
Friday, August 24, 2007

NFL Gets Rough With Vick

Hours after filing a plea agreement, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick indefinitely without pay. For more on the story click here.

Also, check out our latest Green Room episode below or here.

Green Room Episode 5

Here is the latest episode of The Green Room. This episode focuses solely on entertainment with discussion on Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Superbad, High School Musical, and our own segment...Overrated/Underrated!

High School Musical 3 Won't Be Haunted

Disney originally planned on having the next High School Musical film take place in a haunted house with a haunted theme for movie-goers around Halloween 2008. However, the studio has changed its mind. A Disney spokesperson has confirmed that, instead of a haunted house, the third High School Musical film will be centered on the kids' senior year. Disney still plans on a theatrical release for the next film in the franchise. None of the stars have signed onto the third film yet.

Teen Cracks iPhone

Want an iPhone but you are not an AT&T (formerly Cingular) customer? A 17-year-old teenager has managed to break the lock that binds Apple's iPhone to AT&T Wireless. This allows the phone to be used on other carriers, including oversees carriers. Read the full story here.

RENT Gets New Lease in London

International fans of the Broadway musical RENT can check out a new production of the show hitting London's West End in October. This new production will reinvent the show bringing new orchestrations and some other new tweakings. While RENT has been extremely successful in New York City, it hasn't been as popular oversees. Check out some info on this new production, which sounds quite interesting and promising, here.

Obama May Make Iowa Mistake

According to Political Wire, "Sen. Barack Obama's decision "to opt out of all but a handful of appearances with his opponents this fall means an influential Iowa audience will lose the chance to judge him alongside his rivals next month," the Des Moines Register reports."Obama plans to skip AARP's Sept. 20 forum in Davenport, where New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson will address about 2,400 Iowa seniors and a national public television audience. The decision to not attend the AARP event, aimed at issues important to people 50 and older, could nag at the Illinois senator, some Democrat activists and political observers said."

I also think it's a mistake...but I'm not complaining. Hopefully, this snub will end the three way tie between him, Clinton, and Edwards and make it easier for Hillary to take control over Edwards...who is only focusing on Iowa.

The Nanny Diaries

The Nanny Diaries hits theaters today. The movie, based on the popular novel, stars Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Paul Giamatti, Laura Linney, and Alicia Keys. So far, the film is getting not so great reviews at Rotten Tomatoes. The film is at 25% rotten with 10 fresh and 30 rotten reviews. I think I'll skip this one.

Pollspot: National

Clinton's lead is down from 20 points to 13 points in this FOX News polls. Rudy enjoys a comfortable 15 point lead over Thompson. Does anyone care about President Bush anymore? Didn't think so.


A new Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton leads the Democratic presidential race with 38% support, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 25% and John Edwards at 8%.

Among Republicans, Rudy Giuliani is in front with 29%, followed by Fred Thompson at 14%, Mitt Romney at 11%, Sen. John McCain at 7% and Newt Gingrich at 5%.

President Bush's approval rating is stuck at 33%.


Gallup reports that 77% of Democrats recently surveyed were familiar with all three frontrunners for the 2008 presidential nomination. The findings: 94% are familiar enough with Clinton to rate her, 85% with Edwards and 84% with Obama. This could be good news for Clinton, who has managed to keep her wide national lead despite other candidates becoming better known.

Definitely good news for Hillary Clinton there.

Nicole Richie Goes In and Out

Pregnant Nicole Richie was sent to jail Wednesday afternoon and was released after 82 minutes due to overcrowding. Yep, she beat the system.