
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thank You Ohio

Senator Hillary Clinton is the projected winner in Ohio tonight.

Now, let's win Texas and do this thing!

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So far....Senator Barack Obama can claim victory in Vermont and Senator Hillary Clinton can claim victory in Rhode Island.

McCain Wins Nomination

After almost clinching the nomination in 2000, Senator John McCain has finally won the Republican nomination for president.

Vote for Obama

Today is a crucial day for voters in Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

We need a President with great judgment and the ability to unite the country to get things done.

Someone who can inspire and give people the sense that everyone has their own personal stake in the government.

Americans are hungry for change and are turned off by old-established politics and corrupted Washington.

We need someone with leadership to move this country forward for the better.

That person is Barack Obama.

Join the movement and vote for change you can believe in.

Vote For Hillary

Today is a pivotal day.

Texas, Rhode Island, Ohio, and Vermont.

Go out and vote.
Vote for our future.
Vote for real change.
Vote for experience.

Let your voice be heard.
Stand with us.

Vote for Hillary Clinton

Together, we can win.