Didn't think so.
John and Leah both posted great things about the pro-choice/anti-choice debate. The spinning by the Republican machine (by the way, anyone else thoroughly scared by Tancredo, Brownback, and their never-relenting mission to overturn Roe v. Wade?), the arguments over who was anti-choice first, the desire to rule over women's bodies...it all gets me so riled up I can hardly type this. It's hard not to morph into "scary-stereotypical-feminist-crazy" right now, but I can't help it. I just do not understand why people, men particularly, feel they have a right to decide on what I do with my body. I completely agree with John; look, no one wants to have abortions. They're expensive (too expensive if you ask me) and they don't feel so great. However, especially in cases of rape and incest, a woman should have all options on the table.
A really intriguing question, as expounded upon by the ever wonderful Anna Quindlen in last week's Newsweek, is, if abortion is criminalized, then women who have illegal abortions commit a crime, what is the punishment? Do you throw them in jail? If it's murder, do you punish her for 1st degree? And if you did throw her in jail, how long would the sentence be? Quindlen helps illustrate how no one has an answer for this. It's a really interesting read, highly recommended. She finds her questions off this really incredible video at a Libertyville anti-choice demonstration where a man fields these very questions to demonstrators, who, more often than not, don't have answers.
So next time you men out there get a cervical smear or a speculum shoved up your vagina, let me know, and we'll talk.
Monday, August 6, 2007
The Incredible Shrinking Woman
John's post about the "pro-choice" vs. "pro-abortion" issue reminded me of a fantastic article I read in Elle magazine last month regarding a recent Supreme Court decision.
The rest of the article continues with several insightful and respected writers weighing in with their opinions. I highly suggest you read it here. The most disturbing issue this article brings to mind isn't even about abortion, it's about the way women are continually marginalized in our society. It's generally acknowledged that women have all the same rights and capabilities as men (as if that should even be a question!), and yet we're still being treated like children who can not think or act for ourselves. This ruling points to the much larger trend in our society, as women's rights seem to be moving backwards. Where are our women leaders? Why is there only one woman serving on the Supreme Court? However you feel about Hillary Clinton personally, it's ridiculous that she would be our only female president in our country's entire history, and it's even more ridiculous that many people believe our country isn't ready for her. Women are capable of, and deserve, a lot more than our current administration is giving us credit for.
The Supreme Court decided this spring to uphold a federal law that allows state legislatures, if they choose, to criminalize one form of second-trimester abortion, known as partial-birth abortion. Procedures beyond 12 weeks account for 12 percent of the country's 1.3 million abortions a year, some of which are performed for women who learn during prenatal testing that their fetuses are seriously deformed or destined to die. Another type of late-term abortion is still available under the ruling, though the Court heard evidence that the partial-birth procedure is actually safer for some women. That's disturbing—but what is truly shocking is how Justice Anthony Kennedy, the author of Gonzales v. Carhart, portrayed women in the Court's decision.
The rest of the article continues with several insightful and respected writers weighing in with their opinions. I highly suggest you read it here. The most disturbing issue this article brings to mind isn't even about abortion, it's about the way women are continually marginalized in our society. It's generally acknowledged that women have all the same rights and capabilities as men (as if that should even be a question!), and yet we're still being treated like children who can not think or act for ourselves. This ruling points to the much larger trend in our society, as women's rights seem to be moving backwards. Where are our women leaders? Why is there only one woman serving on the Supreme Court? However you feel about Hillary Clinton personally, it's ridiculous that she would be our only female president in our country's entire history, and it's even more ridiculous that many people believe our country isn't ready for her. Women are capable of, and deserve, a lot more than our current administration is giving us credit for.
Elle magazine,
Hillary Clinton,
Supreme Court
Glavine Wins 300th Game

Tom Glavine became the 23rd pitcher in the history of Major League Baseball to win 300 games and the 5th left hander to accomplish the feat. The New York Mets hurler is in the midst of his 21st season, 16 of which were spent as an Atlanta Brave, and this may be his last year playing baseball. This might also be the last 300 game winner we see for a very long time. See the story here.
Atlanta Braves,
New York Mets,
Tom Glavine
Not Pro-Abortion
At the Republican Debate yesterday, Mitt Romney and Sam Brownback went head to head over abortion. Brownback attacked Romney for at one point being pro-choice (Romney now says he is very much pro-life). Romney is a bigger flip-flopper than Sen. John Kerry ever could have been accused of. I believe Mitt Romney would make a terrible president. However, I still feel he will manage to snag the Republican nomination. Anyways, my point in this post is not to discuss the debate but to single out something in a call that Brownback has been making in Iowa to attack Mitt Romney.
In the phone call to voters we hear...
"Mitt Romney pledged to support and uphold pro-abortion policies and passed taxpayer funding of abortions in Massachusetts."
My problem here is the word pro-abortion. It infuriates me. It's the Republican spin machine trying to paint not only Mitt Romney, but also, liberals and democrats as pro-abortion. There is a BIG difference between pro-abortion and pro-choice. They are NOT one in the same. I am pro-choice, the candidates for president on the Democratic side are pro-choice. No one is pro-abortion. No one likes the ideas of abortions. This clever wording is how some Republicans intend to continue to divide the nation and put false beliefs in people's heads.
In the phone call to voters we hear...
"Mitt Romney pledged to support and uphold pro-abortion policies and passed taxpayer funding of abortions in Massachusetts."
My problem here is the word pro-abortion. It infuriates me. It's the Republican spin machine trying to paint not only Mitt Romney, but also, liberals and democrats as pro-abortion. There is a BIG difference between pro-abortion and pro-choice. They are NOT one in the same. I am pro-choice, the candidates for president on the Democratic side are pro-choice. No one is pro-abortion. No one likes the ideas of abortions. This clever wording is how some Republicans intend to continue to divide the nation and put false beliefs in people's heads.
2008 election,
John Kerry,
Mitt Romney,
Republican debate,
Sam Brownback
Banner Overtakes Big Brother
This week on Big Brother 8 some (extreme) fans were successful in something that has been tried and failed many times by other fans. For those who don't know, Big Brother airs live on Thursdays and the point of the show is too completely isolate the houseguests from the outside world (although they do communicate with producers of the show regularly without seeing them, chat with host Julie Chen once a week, and houseguest Eric gets instructions from fans since he is America's Player). For numerous years now, fans have been spending a decent amount of money to hire a plan to hang a message banner from it's tail and fly over the house while the houseguests are outside. It's quite a bit excessive in my opinion to waste money on such a pointless thing....but, hey, it's entertaining! Usually Big Brother producers spot the planes coming or are alerted before hand and they rush the houseguests into the house into lockdown where they won't be able to see the plane's message. Last Thursday...the mission was finally accomplished.
Thursday night some eager fans planned very well. During live shows on Thursdays, the houseguests usually have to compete in the backyard to become the Head of Household. This Thursday was no different. However, instead of a quick competition, the HoH event was an endurance challenge that can leave houseguests in the backyard for hours. Therefore, producers were unable to stop an in-progress competition when the houseguests are outside to lock them inside when a banner plane flew through. The plane flew through right in the middle of the competiton and ALL the houseguests read the message which read..."WE HEART NICK. AMBER AND ERIC ARE LIARS LNC = THE NERD HERD."
Now for a breakdown, Nick was the houseguest who was just voted out of the house and was closely aligned with Danielle (the 20 year old femme fatale of the Big Brother and my personal favorite). Amber and Eric were not on any one's bad side and were part of the house's bigger alliance. Amber is the cry baby of the house who did lie to Nick when she said she had no idea he would be nominated for eviction (Amber was the one who initiated the plan). Eric is America's Player and, in my opinion, is highly annoying and a bit arrogant. He does have his funny moments. Since he does what America instructs, he had voted against his alliance for two weeks straight and lied to everyone about putting blame on Nick. Now he's in the hot seat and is finally being called out (by America itself). Who knows? Maybe the majority of us want Eric out of the house and are making him vote against himself purposely so he can become targeted. If that's the case...it's working. After Danielle won Head of Household she indicated her plan is to get him out via the backdoor (though she nominated Kail and Jen for old times sake and just in case Eric had a chance to win the Veto and save himself). Also, why couldn't America have voted who would become America's Player? I doubt Eric would have become our player had that been the case. I personally would have voted for Danielle or Dustin or even Nick. Ah well. Finally, LNC = The Nerd Herd. LNC means Late Night Crew. The LNC is the bigger alliance of Dick, Danielle, Dustin, Amber, Eric, Jessica, and Jameka. The Nerd Herd was a term from season 6 referring to the alliance of Beau, Maggie, Ivette, Jen, and April who AMERICA HATED and they thought they wore holier than thou (as Mitt Romney would say). The Nerd Herd was ridiculous and the LNC cannot be compared to them in my opinion.
The banner has really stirred things up in the house. Is it really fair that the houseguests saw the banner? No. But what's fair in the Big Brother 8? Sometimes houseguests have to eat slop (oatmeal type grool) for a week. It wasn't fair but it is a new dynamic that the game must deal with and I'm happy it got air time on CBS. Eric is now a target. The LNC is about to be broken up. And I couldn't be more excited. This season has not disappointed for a second! Thank goodness this outrageous show is on three times a week! I wish it were every day!
See...I can talk about other things besides my love for Hillary Clinton lol.
Big Brother 8 airs on CBS on Sundays, Tuesdays, and live on Thursdays. Check your local listings! It's never too late to join the madness!
Thursday night some eager fans planned very well. During live shows on Thursdays, the houseguests usually have to compete in the backyard to become the Head of Household. This Thursday was no different. However, instead of a quick competition, the HoH event was an endurance challenge that can leave houseguests in the backyard for hours. Therefore, producers were unable to stop an in-progress competition when the houseguests are outside to lock them inside when a banner plane flew through. The plane flew through right in the middle of the competiton and ALL the houseguests read the message which read..."WE HEART NICK. AMBER AND ERIC ARE LIARS LNC = THE NERD HERD."
Now for a breakdown, Nick was the houseguest who was just voted out of the house and was closely aligned with Danielle (the 20 year old femme fatale of the Big Brother and my personal favorite). Amber and Eric were not on any one's bad side and were part of the house's bigger alliance. Amber is the cry baby of the house who did lie to Nick when she said she had no idea he would be nominated for eviction (Amber was the one who initiated the plan). Eric is America's Player and, in my opinion, is highly annoying and a bit arrogant. He does have his funny moments. Since he does what America instructs, he had voted against his alliance for two weeks straight and lied to everyone about putting blame on Nick. Now he's in the hot seat and is finally being called out (by America itself). Who knows? Maybe the majority of us want Eric out of the house and are making him vote against himself purposely so he can become targeted. If that's the case...it's working. After Danielle won Head of Household she indicated her plan is to get him out via the backdoor (though she nominated Kail and Jen for old times sake and just in case Eric had a chance to win the Veto and save himself). Also, why couldn't America have voted who would become America's Player? I doubt Eric would have become our player had that been the case. I personally would have voted for Danielle or Dustin or even Nick. Ah well. Finally, LNC = The Nerd Herd. LNC means Late Night Crew. The LNC is the bigger alliance of Dick, Danielle, Dustin, Amber, Eric, Jessica, and Jameka. The Nerd Herd was a term from season 6 referring to the alliance of Beau, Maggie, Ivette, Jen, and April who AMERICA HATED and they thought they wore holier than thou (as Mitt Romney would say). The Nerd Herd was ridiculous and the LNC cannot be compared to them in my opinion.
The banner has really stirred things up in the house. Is it really fair that the houseguests saw the banner? No. But what's fair in the Big Brother 8? Sometimes houseguests have to eat slop (oatmeal type grool) for a week. It wasn't fair but it is a new dynamic that the game must deal with and I'm happy it got air time on CBS. Eric is now a target. The LNC is about to be broken up. And I couldn't be more excited. This season has not disappointed for a second! Thank goodness this outrageous show is on three times a week! I wish it were every day!
See...I can talk about other things besides my love for Hillary Clinton lol.
Big Brother 8 airs on CBS on Sundays, Tuesdays, and live on Thursdays. Check your local listings! It's never too late to join the madness!
Big Brother 8,
reality television
Hey, the Bahamas don't wait. Poor Congress had to stay in late over the weekend and work. Wah. Anyways, seems like they got a lot done since they passed a buttload of stuff, or versions of stuff, including, but not limited to FISA, Defense Appropriations, and an Energy Bill (House only). To give the rundown, FISA, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, would immediately allow the US to start warrantless surveillance of foreign targets, regardless of whether or not that person is communicating with someone in the US. However, it would require the attorney general to note how the info is collected, and the procedures would be subjected to a FISA court later. The Republican version of the bill passed, but all in all, I'm okay with this. Plus, the bill expires in 6 months so they can come back and revise as needed (vacation was calling, it was getting late...) The Energy Bill looks to have a tough fight in the Senate. It has a lot of provisions, some more soporific than others, to tax oil and gas companies to help cough up the funds to pay for alternative energy measures and other programs. We'll see you back on Sept 4 Congress! Damn you and your month long vacation.
Tea with Dr. Strangelove. Republican debate on Sunday, sponsored by ABC News, moderated by the dashingly handsome, charmingly witty, and endearingly intelligent George Stephanopoulos. Oh yeah, the guy is apparently not half bad as a speech writer either. The candidates mostly stayed away from bashing each other, although they all took a jab, more or less, at the Dems. Romney in particular made a er, strange(love) comment about Obama, saying,
I will pay someone good money if they can provide a visual of this.
Tancredo also mentioned that he would bomb Islamic holy sites. Holy sites, more like holy shit, that is a terrible idea! I actually agree with Thompson's (that's Tommy) statements,
Let's talk less about bombing people and more about flowers and love and bunnies! Bunnies, people! and Kittens! and Peace! peace kittens!
Gimme some mo' Hagel might join the pres race. He's using the August recess to decide. Of all the Republicans, I probably like him the best. I think the real question is, though, do the Republicans need more nominees? The debate stage only fits so many. Still, I bet Chuck will think about it, decide, declare, run and have hell freeze over before Fred Thompson plans a date to declare (Sept 5 is the actual date, for any who care)
Important Dates?
Aug 4/this Sat was Obama's 46th birthday! Hoorah?
Aug 7/tomorrow AFL-CIO debate for Dems
Also, I'm really excited for this Indiana Jones movie. I'm a big fan of the series, so I'll just plug my ears and go "la la la" to all the bad rap it's eventually going to get.
Tea with Dr. Strangelove. Republican debate on Sunday, sponsored by ABC News, moderated by the dashingly handsome, charmingly witty, and endearingly intelligent George Stephanopoulos. Oh yeah, the guy is apparently not half bad as a speech writer either. The candidates mostly stayed away from bashing each other, although they all took a jab, more or less, at the Dems. Romney in particular made a er, strange(love) comment about Obama, saying,
"I mean, in one week he went from saying he's going to sit down, you know, for tea, with our enemies, but then he's going to bomb our allies," Romney said. "He's gone from Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove in one week." (WaPo)
I will pay someone good money if they can provide a visual of this.
Tancredo also mentioned that he would bomb Islamic holy sites. Holy sites, more like holy shit, that is a terrible idea! I actually agree with Thompson's (that's Tommy) statements,
"Bombing religious artifacts and religious holy sites would do nothing but unify 1 billion Muslims against us."
Let's talk less about bombing people and more about flowers and love and bunnies! Bunnies, people! and Kittens! and Peace! peace kittens!
Gimme some mo' Hagel might join the pres race. He's using the August recess to decide. Of all the Republicans, I probably like him the best. I think the real question is, though, do the Republicans need more nominees? The debate stage only fits so many. Still, I bet Chuck will think about it, decide, declare, run and have hell freeze over before Fred Thompson plans a date to declare (Sept 5 is the actual date, for any who care)
Important Dates?
Aug 4/this Sat was Obama's 46th birthday! Hoorah?
Aug 7/tomorrow AFL-CIO debate for Dems
Also, I'm really excited for this Indiana Jones movie. I'm a big fan of the series, so I'll just plug my ears and go "la la la" to all the bad rap it's eventually going to get.
energy bill,
Fred Thompson,
tom tancredo,
tommy thompson
Dr. Jones!
Check out the first promotional poster from the upcoming fourth Indiana Jones movie:

Part of this movie was filmed in New Haven last month, so we have to show it some love. Sadly, some sources are reporting that Harrison Ford has lost the old Dr. Jones magic that made his previous performances so memorable. I think that's pretty much to be expected, though, since the third installment was filmed over 15 years ago. I'm sure we can all look forward to an entertaining movie next May. (Source)
Harrison Ford,
Indiana Jones,
New Haven,
Bourne Breaks The Box Office

The Bourne Ultimatum, most likely the last Bourne film for Matt Damon, took in an extremely impressive $70.2 million this weekend. The film not only surpassed its two predecessors, but also became the biggest opening weekend for August ever! I saw the movie today and was extremely impressed. It was definitely the best film in the series, which is rare for the 3rd film in a series. Good acting, intelligent plot, and a great screenplay go a very long way. I definitely recommend this film. Only downside is the way director Paul Greengrass works the camera leaves me feeling very dizzy. The camera is always shaking and I guess it is one of the director's trademarks because the last Bourne film and United 93 both gave me and others the same nautious feeling. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that this movie was absolutely superb. Do not miss this film!
box office,
Matt Damon,
The Bourne Ultimatum
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