Barbara Walters has made it official that Sherri Shepherd will be the new permanent panelist on The View. A great addition. I was still rooting for Kathy Griffin.
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The new USA Today/Gallup Poll shows Rudy Giuliani leading the Republican presidential field with 34%, followed by Fred Thompson at 22%, Sen. John McCain at 15%, and Mitt Romney at 10%.
For the Democrats, Sen. Hillary Clinton continues to lead with 45% support, trailed by Sen. Barack Obama at 24% and John Edwards at 16%.
Key finding: Republican voters are somewhat more satisfied with their candidates: 70% say they're pleased with the choice; 26% would like a new candidate. In April, a third wanted additional choices.
According to a new Albuquerque Journal poll, Gov. Bill Richardson leads the Democratic presidential race in his native New Mexico with 44% support, followed by Sen. Hillary Clinton at 17 percent, John Edwards at 8% and Sen. Barack Obama at 8%.
However, 52% of those surveyed thought Sen. Hillary Clinton would eventually win the Democratic nomination.