Surprise, surprise! Lindsay Lohan has been arrested for her second DUI in two months, following a 45-day stay in a California rehabilitation center.
Lindsay was pulled over early this morning in Santa Monica after police received a call about a car chase. Lindsay and two friends were reportedly in the pursuing car, a Denali SUV. The passengers in the second car, a Cadillac Escalade, called police to report the chase. A police spokesman said he believed the people in the two cars knew each other, put were unaware of who was in the pursuing car at the time of the call.
Lindsay failed a field sobriety test (after reportedly refusing to submit to a preliminary alcohol screening device) and was then arrested. At the station she registed a blood-alcohol level of about .12 or .13 percent, well above the .08 percent California limit, despite the fact that Lindsay has been wearing an alcohol-detecting anklet since she left rehab.
Sources have also claimed that police found cocaine in Lindsay's pocket. She was booked on suspicion of drunken driving, possession of cocaine, bringing a controlled substance into custody and driving on a suspended license. She was released after posting a $25,000 bail. Lindsay was due to appear in court on August 24 for her first DUI on May 26. It is now unclear how the second DUI will affect her appearance in court.
Sources: Yahoo News, Dlisted
I actually had hope for Lindsay after she finished rehab! She really seemed to be very conscious of her sobriety, even wearing that anklet although she wasn't required to do so. I am a little surprised she was drinking and driving again so soon after rehab. Clearly the girl needs some help, and Promises was not the place to give it to her. At the same time, I am sick of hearing the sob story about little rich white girls in Hollywood who can't handle their fame. Look at Anne Hathaway, Mandy Moore, Amanda Bynes, Hayden Panettiere... These girls are rich, famous and grounded. If Lindsay absolutely has to go out and get drunk, despite being an admitted alcoholic, hire a damn driver! After a second arrest, her actions can only be considered stupid and careless. Up until now she has been lucky, as neither of her drunk driving incidents has killed someone, but she might not be so lucky again. It's time young Hollywood learns that their money does not make them above the law or above human decency.
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