
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Defending Hillary from Ben Smith

This article by Ben Smith from Politico once again shows me how biased he is and how much he doesn't like Hillary Clinton. When Hillary Clinton spoke at YearlyKos, Smith only focused on the fact that she was booed twice and did not provide even a semi-decent account of her speech, unlike Roger Simon, who reported on everything regarding her speech...the good and the bad. You can my article about Simon vs Smith at YearlyKos here.

Anyways, as I posted yesterday, Hillary Clinton has released her first campaign ad commercial to run in Iowa. Now...Ben Smith is at it again. In the short article, Smith writes, "No points for figuring out why Hillary picked Iowa for her first ad. Not only is she trailing there (or running roughly neck-and-neck with Edwards and Obama, depending on which poll you read) but she had to put out a fire this spring when an aide suggested she essentially ignore Iowa." That's all Smith writes before describing what is in the ad. Why wouldn't Hillary choose Iowa first? It is the first nominating state. Iowa has not been ignored by Hillary. She started off July campaigning there with President Clinton for 5 days. Also, Hillary has NOT been trailing in Iowa. Some polls (and there are many posted here at The Green Room) show her in a three way tie with Obama and Edwards while others show Obama narrowly leading and others show Hillary narrowly leading. So the word trailing is just flat out WRONG. Also, another reason the ad will run in Iowa....John Edwards and Barack Obama have already been advertising there with commericials for months now and both candidates will tour the state this week. Hmm...another about there is a big Democratic debate on Sunday...IN IOWA. If you are going to misinform your readers Ben Smith then make sure it's not so easy to refute what you are writing. That's all.

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