Within the last few months, there has been so much discussion and debate regarding the actions and qualifications of Democratic Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. With the media's help, a "rivalry" between the two front runners has slowly developed, pinpointing their differences as the race for the Democratic nomination quickly approaches.
With all the back and forth jousting between the Clinton and Obama campaigns, how do many people really feel about the two candidates? Joe Klein, author of an opinion section in TIME magazine comments on the Democratic candidates in the 2008 race, specifically analyzing Hillary Clinton as the "Bran-Muffin Candidate," but also comparing her to Barack Obama. For the full article, you can read it here. When comparing both candidates, what I found the most interesting is how Klein quotes a Miami resident saying:
My heart is with Obama, but my brain is with Hillary...I want to be able to vote for him, but I just don't know yet.
As a supporter of Barack Obama, I completely agree with the quote above as being a general sentiment for many voters. For the most part, it is very hard to argue that Barack Obama is not well-liked. His fantastic speaking ability and charisma leaves crowds with the sense that he is truly talking to each person and connecting with them. Yet, there has been continual attacks against his lack of experience when compared to Hillary. In a sense, these accusations are correct. Hillary has served more years in the Senate and has been in the political spectrum far longer than Barack. However, there are many people who dislike Hillary Clinton and find that she rubs people the wrong way. Thus, we have heart and mind.
I, for one, like Hillary Clinton a lot (and her husband Bill, of course). I think the Clintons are quite an intelligent and dynamic duo. My reasons for supporting Barack Obama are not due to any kind of anti-Hillary Clinton sentiment. I am all for breaking the glass-ceiling and having a woman as President of the United States (I can't believe we have not accomplished this earlier). I also think Hillary is strong-willed and very intelligent. However, I truly believe in Barack Obama's message of hope and unity (as idealistic as it may sound), and yes folks, he does have great experience and judgment contrary to what many believe. Yet, if Hillary Clinton were to win the nomination, I would have no problem giving my support to her.
So I think, as of now, there are many voters who are torn between Obama and Clinton, and are taking their time in trying to make their decision. Klein makes a note that the Democratic Presidential race seems to be "static," with hardly any large drops or dramatic increases in the polls. It is still early, and as for voters deciding between Hillary and Barack, the question is whether it will be easier for someone to change their mind or have a change of heart.
1 comment:
great piece rich!
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