
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pollspot: Hillary Moves On Up

While national polls do not matter as much as individual state polls, they still provide a lot of insight. Here's a new poll courtesy of Political Wire:

Sen. Hillary Clinton opened a 21-point edge over her closest contender, Sen. Barack Obama, leading him 43% to 22% in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. John Edwards is third with 13% support.

Key finding: "Clinton has earned high marks for experience and benefited from stepped-up antiwar moves in recent months."

21 point lead sounds good to me. Let's shut this thing down and win Hillary!


Ashlee Tran said...
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Ashlee Tran said...

this was interesting, for rich, this could help support your obama cases. He's clearly got the interest, but can he get the votes?