
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Slap them on the wrists!

Nothing makes me angrier than all these states trying to push their primaries up. Between Michigan and Florida, the 2008 election is going to start tomorrow! This is just so ridiculous. Luckily, the DNC plays hardball and is threatening sanctions. DO IT! The sanctions would strip Florida of its delegates, which would essentially turn their potential early primary into the Iowa straw poll, part 2. Or as the DNC affectionately calls, a beauty contest. Dear states, not all of you can go in January! Please stop trying!

In other news, AP, Reuters, and no other credible news source have verified Perez Hilton's claim that Fidel Castro is dead. Until then, Wonkette is just posting some quality comments on Perez's post. Including one witty snark telling us how Castro was awesome, and another telling us to suck Bush's dick. I don't know the exact wording, but you get the idea.


The Green Room said...

arent you supposed to be soaking up the Georgia sun?

Ashlee Tran said...

my flight was delayed. I'm still at the airport.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Perez Hilton was just building a linkbait campaign to place his site as the top source of news of his eventual death.

Ashlee Tran said...

most likely. not that we can trust a website who labels his political section "politik!" in hot pink.

still, even if he busted the news 396 days before castro's eventual 3rd or 4th death, I can't believe people would trust him as a source.