
Friday, August 3, 2007

Slow news day

Three way tie in Iowa, big snafu, Hil's still got it locked up in New Hampshire. Granite state loves her as much as I do!

Since Congress is supposed to be in their mandatory 30 day recess, I thought today was going to be a slow news day (I hate that there's no Hotline today). But, alas, those crazy kids up on the Hill just can't get it together, and serves them right. Republicans walked out of the House last night because the Dems supposedly weren't playing nice with their procedural vote. Anyways, on the upside, at least we passed SCHIP! Or some tangled, variations of it. Strong support in the Senate, a uh, slightly, marked up version from the House. SCHIP, the State Children's Health Insurance Plan, is due to expire in September. So it's up for reauthorization. Championed by a bipartisan team, it helps cover those families and children who don't qualify for Medicaid, but can't afford health insurance. Somehow the Bush administration thinks this is a bad thing, and are threatening to veto. *Cue sad music.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Jotts_Sab

Yes, Bush, you don't want to help these children. For shame.

In other news, though this is very outdated, I've recently found out that Bush endearingly refers to Karl Rove as a "turd blossom." Well, that makes two of us. Although Bush thinks it's cute, Wikipedia says:
Turd blossom' was used in 1960s Texas high school slang to describe the spreading smell of a fart, or the spreading stain of a loose bowel movement. Neither Rove nor George W. Bush attended high school in Texas, and they may have been unfamiliar with the original use of the word. 'Fart blossom' was a common variant.

2008 just can't come fast enough, now can it?


The Green Room said...

HAHAHA very good first post. very humorous. except for the baby picture...that was sad. I see you have absolutely no respect very President Bush though since you refer to him simply as Bush. whatevs, welcome aboard.

The Green Room said...

and turd as a label...seriously???

Ashlee Tran said...

I actually do respect President Bush, I just feel no need to label him as such. However, I would always stand if he came in the room, and he's still our president.